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Review and dissemination


Review and dissemination

"Measure twice and cut once."



  1. Don't send out your video resume if you got feedback that it might be offensive
  2. if you're not happy with the outcome, the quality is not up to your standard (sometimes it might do more harm than good)
  3. Don't try to include everything you've done
  4. Don't just read out your resume
  5. Don't criticise your previous employer
  6. Don't get too personal

Active listening
Active listening


Active listening
Active listening


“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”


Active listening is a prerequisite for effective collaboration. This can help avoid miscommunication and improves teamwork in the workplace. Here’s a couple of questions you might answer in order to demonstrate this skill:

  • Do you consider yourself good at actively listening to others? Why?
  • What do you think takes to be a good listener? Why?
  • Do you demonstrate concern and try to build trust when you communicate with another person? Do you think that’s important? Why?
  • Do you observe non-verbal cues when you talk to other people? Do you think it helps to understand people better? Why?
  • If you don’t fully understand something, do you ask other person to clarify or rephrase?
  • Why do you think that’s important?





“The notion of directing a film is the invention of critics - the whole eloquence of cinema is achieved in the editing room.”

Orson Welles

It is easy to underestimate the amount of work that goes into editing your video. It’s predominantly a technical process, but the creative aspects are crucial to the success of your story. We suggest using WeVideo, which is an online, cloud-based video editing platform that works in web browsers and on mobile devices (Android and iOS) but there are many alternatives. For example:

  • Microsoft Video Editor (FREE in Windows 10)
  • Blender (FREE)
  • iMovie (FREE for iOS)
  • Lightworks (FREE)
It is very important that you make sure you’re not breaching any copyright related regulations. It is safest to use only material that you create yourself, but if you choose to use other images, music or videos, it is always a good idea to check the licensing information and obtain permission where necessary.





“The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding.”


Claire Cain Miller from The New York Times draws attention to recent research which shows "that empathy makes people better managers and workers, and better family members and friends. But it’s bigger than just its personal effect. We’re all in this together, and researchers say that connection and compassion are crucial to a sustainable and humane future. ". The ability to understand and share the feelings of another is a sought-after skill in all work environments. How do you cultivate empathy? How can you show your prospective employer? Here’s a couple of prompts that might help you get started:

  • Would you consider yourself empathetic?
  • Do you find it easy to understand other people’s feelings, emotions and problems?
  • Do you actively seek to develop empathy? How?(volunteering, reading books …)

Tell us more about your passion project or a hobby!
Tell us more about your passion project or a hobby!


Tell us more about your passion project or a hobby!
Tell us more about your passion project or a hobby!


“I draw like other people bite their nails.”

Pablo Picasso

There is no better way to show your creativity than sharing your work and talking about your creative process… even if the creativity skill is not listed as one of the requirements for the position you’re applying for, it is a sought-after competence and could help you differentiate yourself from the competition. Remember you don’t have to be a professional painter, director, designer, photographer or artist to share the projects that you are passionate about with prospective employers. A Video CV is a great way to show off your personality and interests, and can be a great conversation starter. Wonder where to start?

    We’ve prepared a couple of questions that might give you some inspiration:
  • Do you draw, paint, perform, play a musical instrument, take photographs, write … mime? How long have you been doing this?
  • Could you show some examples of your creative projects? (presentation, video tour, etc…)
  • What did you learn from arts & crafts?
  • Have you developed any transversal skills?
  • Do you consider yourself creative? What incident made you think that?

How well do you adapt to new environments?
How well do you adapt to new environments?


How well do you adapt to new environments?
How well do you adapt to new environments?


“It’s a funny thing coming home. Nothing changes. Everything looks the same, feels the same. Even smells the same. You realize what’s changed is you.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Flexibility competence is tested and developed when having to adapt to new environments. Especially if one moves abroad to study/work/live. Demonstrate your ability to adapt to new environments by answering the questions below 👇

  • Have you lived abroad? How did you adapt to new culture?
  • What have you learned from living abroad?
  • Do you like working/living/immersing yourself in multicultural environments? What do you like/don’t like about it?
  • How do you handle cultural differences?

  Project development is a creative endeavour?
Project development is a creative endeavour?


  Project development is a creative endeavour?
Project development is a creative endeavour?


“Every project is an opportunity to learn, to figure out problems and challenges, to invent and reinvent.”

David Rockwell

Creativity is not just about generating ideas. We could argue that project development as a whole is a creative endeavour. If you’re not entirely convinced yet, bear with us for a moment! What we mean is that projects evolve, take unexpected turns and in fact people rarely end up with the result that they envisioned at the very beginning. This whole project development process requires an open mind and willingness to learn, invent, reinvent and create along the way. You could show off your creativity competence by focusing your digital story on project development experience!

  • Have you developed any projects?
  • How has the creativity competence helped you along the way?
  • How did your creativity help you manage your team/or become a better team player?
  • Have you ever identified an opportunity to develop a project differently in order to achieve better/more desirable results?

Willingness to learn and teach
Willingness to learn and teach


Willingness to learn and teach
Willingness to learn and teach


“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

Dr. Seuss

In order to stay relevant in our fast-paced world we must be willing to keep on learning and improving which, as a result, can enhance our ability to collaborate effectively. Here’s a couple of questions that you might consider answering in your video CV to demonstrate your teaching and learning skills:

  • Are you actively seeking to improve your skills and knowledge? Then apply it in the workplace? (give an example)
  • Do you use online learning platforms (Coursera, Futurelearn…) to hone your skills? Have you earned any certificates?
  • What do you do if you're stuck on assignments/tasks? Do you ask for your collegues' help?
  • If you see that your colleague is struggling with an assignment and you knew exactly how to do it, would you teach them how to achieve desired results or would you more often just offer to do it for them? (please give examples)
  • How do your teaching and learning skills help you collaborate with others?